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Adhering Organisations

These are organisations that represent a national interest in mechanics, and can vote within IUTAM via their representatives.

Armenian National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
24B Marshall Baghramyan Ave., 0019, Yerevan

President/Chair: Prof. Ara Avetisyan
Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Avetik Sahakyan

Australian IUTAM Committee of the Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society

President/Chair: Prof. Prof. Ivan Marusic
Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Raj Das
Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Ivan Marusic

Austrian National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
Dr.-Ignaz-Seipel-Platz 2, A-1010, Wien

President/Chair: Prof. Manfred Kaltenbacher
Contact: Prof. Franz Rammerstorfer
Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Christian Hellmich

The National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Royal Academies for Science and Arts of Belgium 
Hertogsstraat 1 rue Ducale, B-1000, Brussels

President/Chair: Prof. Patrick Guillaume
Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Wim Desmet
Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Patrick Guillaume
Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Dirk Vandepitte

Avenida Rio Branco 124/18° andar, 20040-001, Rio de Janeiro

President/Chair: Prof. Gherhardt Ribatski

Contact: Prof. Atila Freire

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Juliana Loureiro

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Marcello de Medeiros

1, 15 novembre str., BG-1040, Sofia

President/Chair: Prof. Stefan Radev
Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Stefan Radev

President/Chair: Prof. Maciej Floryan

Secretary: Prof. Chun Il Kim

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Marius Paraschivoiu

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Kamran Behdinan

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Maciej Floryan

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Chun Il Kim

President/Chair: Dr Cecilia Higaldo

Secretary: Dr Francisco Hervé

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Fernando Lund

President/Chair: Prof. Guowei He

Secretary: Prof. Xisheng Luo

Contact: Mr. Jie Chen

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Daining Fang

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Guowei He

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Tianjian Lu

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Wei Yang

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Xiaojing Zheng

Department of Mechanical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, 83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong

President/Chair: Prof. Li Cheng

Secretary: Prof. Zhongqing Su

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Qing-Ping Sun

The Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, No. 101, Sec. 2, Kuang-Fu Rd., Hsinchu 300044, Taiwan.

President/Chair: Prof. Hung-Yin Tsai

Secretary: Prof. Ming-Tsang Lee

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Ching-Yao Chen

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Wei-Chung Wang

Ivana Lučića 5, HR-10000, Zagreb

President/Chair: Prof. Marko Canadija

Contact: Prof. Goran Turkalj

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Goran Turkalj

Dolejškova 5, 18200, Prague 8

President/Chair: Prof. Jindrich Petruska

Secretary: Dr. Jiri Naprstek

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Miloslav Okrouhlík

The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 35, DK-1553, Copenhagen V.

President/Chair: Prof. Tom Fenchel

Secretary: Prof. Henrik Breuning-Madsen

Contact: Prof. Christian Niordson

Contact: Prof. Jens Nørkær Sørensen

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Christian Niordson

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Jens Nørkær Sørensen

Egyptian Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

Office of the SSE Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research School of Sciences and Engineering American University in Cairo AUC Avenue, P.O. Box 74, New Cairo 11835, Egypt


President/Chair: Prof.  Karim Seddik

Representative in IUTAM: Prof.  Khalil Elkhodary

Estonian Committee for Mechanics
Akadeemia tee 21, EE-12618, Tallinn

President/Chair: Prof. Andrus Salupere

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Andrus Salupere

The Finnish National Committee on Mechanics
Tampere University, Attent. Prof. Reijo Kouhia, PO Box 600, FI-33014 Tampere

President/Chair: Prof. Reijo Kouhia

Secretary: Assoc. Prof. Jarkko Niiranen

Contact: Prof. Reijo Kouhia

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Reijo Kouhia

Representative in IUTAM: Assoc. Prof. Jarkko Niiranen

President/Chair: Prof. Nicolas Moës

Secretary: Prof. Anne-Virginie Salsac

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Anne-Virginie Salsac

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Francois Hild

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Nicolas Moës

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Stéphane Popinet

I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, 2 University Str., 0186, Tbilisi

President/Chair: Prof. George Jaiani

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. George Jaiani

Gesellschaft für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik / Deutsches Komitee für Mechanik (GAMM/DEKOMECH)
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Chair of Continuum Mechanics, Kaiserstraße 10, 76131 Karlsruhe

President/Chair: Prof. Thomas Böhlke

Contact: Prof. Thomas Böhlke

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Nikolaus Adams

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Michael Hanss

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Stefan Hartmann

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Jörg Schumacher

Hellenic Society for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
National Technical University of Athens, Mechanics Division, Zographou Campus, GR-15773, Athens

President/Chair: Prof. Georgios Stavroulakis

Secretary: Prof. George Tsiatas

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Georgios Stavroulakis

Hungarian National Committee for IUTAM
Department of Applied Mechanics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Müegyetem rkp. 3, H-1521, Budapest

President/Chair: Prof. Gábor Stépán

Secretary: Dr Peter Varkonyi

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Gábor Stépán

National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Indian National Science Academy
Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, 110 002, New Delhi

President/Chair: Prof. Santosh Kapuria

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Santosh Kapuria

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. V. Kumaran

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. G. P. Rajasekhar

Contact: Prof. S. Gopalakrishnan

Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin 2

Representative in IUTAM: A/Prof. Vikram Pakrashi

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, 32000, Haifa

President/Chair: Prof. Reuven Segev

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Amir Gat

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Reuven Segev

Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica ed Applicata
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32,, I-20133, Milano

President/Chair: Prof. Walter d’Ambrogio

Secretary: Prof. Sandra Carillo

Contact: Prof. Walter d’Ambrogio

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Davide Bigoni

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Alessandro Bottaro

Representative in IUTAM: Dr. Enrico De Bernardis

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Roberta Massabò

Science Council of Japan, 7- 22-34 Roppongi, Minato-ku,, 106-8555, Tokyo

President/Chair: Prof. Shu Takagi

Secretary: Prof. Masaharu Kameda

Contact: Prof. Masaharu Kameda

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Koichi Hishida

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Muneo Hori

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Masaharu Kameda

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Takashi Sakajo

Korean Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
c/o The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, Room 702, KSTC New Bld., 635-4, Yeogsam-dong, Kangnam-ku, 135-703, Seoul

President/Chair: Prof. Heuy Dong Kim

Contact: Prof. Simon Song

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Hyung Jin Sung

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Gil Ho Yoon 

Netherlands Mechanics Committee
c/o Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, P.O. Box 513, NL 5600 MB, Eindhoven

President/Chair: Prof. GertJan van Heijst

Secretary: Prof. Dick van Campen

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Detlef Lohse

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Patrick Onck

P.O. Box 598, 6140, Wellington

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Mathieu Sellier

NTVA Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences
c/o NTNU Faculty of Engineering, Geologibygget, 7491 Trondheim Norway


President/Chair: Prof. Tor Inge Waag

Secretary:  Prof. Sveinung Løset 

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Tore Børvik

ul. Pawinskiego 5B, 02-106, Warszawa

President/Chair: Prof. Blazej Skoczen

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Tomasz Kapitaniak

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Stanislaw Stupkiewicz

Portuguese Society of Theoretical, Applied and Computational Mechanics
Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Avenida do Brasil 101, 1700-066, Lisboa

President/Chair: Prof. Jose Cesar de Sa

Contact: Prof. Carlos Pina

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Jorge Ambrósio

Russian National Committee of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Prospekt Vernadskogo 101 / 1, 119526, Moscow

President/Chair: Prof. Irina Goryacheva

Secretary: Prof. Vladimir Karev

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Felix Chernousko

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Irina Goryacheva

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Vladimir Levin

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Anton Krivtsov

Kneza Milosa 9/1, 11000, Belgrade

President/Chair: Prof. Srboljub Simić

Secretary: Prof. Djordje Cantrak

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Srboljub Simić

Council on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Materials Research Society of Singapore
Nanyang Technological University, 60 Nanyang Drive, 637551, Singapore

President/Chair: Prof. Huajian Gao

Contact: Prof. K. Jimmy Hsia

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Huajian Gao

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. K. Jimmy Hsia

Slovene Mechanics Society
Jamova 2, 1000, Ljubljana

President/Chair: Prof.  Nenad Gubeljak

Secretary: Dr. Martin Česnik

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Nenad Gubeljak

National Research Foundation (NRF), South African Association for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (SAAM)
South African ICSU Secretariat, P.O. Box 2600, 0001, Pretoria

President/Chair: Prof. Daniel N. Wilke

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Daniel N. Wilke

ETSI, Camino de los descubrimientos s/n, 41092, Sevilla

President/Chair: Prof. Pilar Ariza

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Pilar Ariza

Swedish National Committee for Mechanics
Lund University, Division of Solid Mechanics, Box 118, SE-22100, Lund

President/Chair: Prof. Matti Ristinmaa

Secretary: Prof. Hakan Hallberg

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Peter Gudmundson

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Lisa Prahl Wittberg

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Staffan Lundström

Board of the Federal Institutes of Technology (Rat der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschulen)
ETH-Zentrum, CH-8092, Zürich

President/Chair: Prof. Michael Hengartner

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Dirk Mohr

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. François Gallaire

6 Carlton House Terrace, SW1Y 5AG, London

President/Chair: Prof. Alan Cocks

Secretary: Prof. Helen Wilson

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. David Abrahams

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Alan Cocks

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Sarah Waters

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Helen Wilson

National Committee of Ukraine on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
S.P. Timoshenko Institute of Mechanics, 3 Nesterov Str., 03680, Kyiv

President/Chair: Prof. Viacheslav Bogdanov

Secretary: Dr. Mykhailo Selivanov

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Viacheslav Bogdanov


President/Chair: Prof. Horacio Espinosa

Secretary: Prof. Thomas Pence

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Melany Hunt

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Beverley J. McKeon

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Catherine Brinson

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Sonya Smith

Representative in IUTAM: Prof. Horacio Espinosa