IUTAM Symposium on Physics and Modeling of Slamming and Breaking Waves

IUTAM Symposium on Physics and Modeling of Slamming and Breaking Waves

15-18 Nov 2024
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
Symposium Chairperson: Prof Hua Liu
IUTAM Representative: Prof Frederic Dias

Slamming and breaking waves, which generate violent flows with large deformation and breaking of the free surface, have been known for a long time in hydrodynamics community. Much research efforts have been devoted to developing analytical solutions, measurement methods, and numerical models for the free surface hydrodynamics in understanding the mechanism of slamming, breaking waves in ocean and breaking bow waves. Current research on the unsteady bubbly free surface flows of strong nonlinearity suffers in fact from multiple divisions. This is mainly caused by lack of communication and networking between experts of the different disciplines involved, like coastal oceanography, ocean engineering and mathematics, and by the consequent lack of international initiatives. This Symposium proposes to bring together prominent academics active in the field of water waves, in order to foster a multidisciplinary approach aimed at modeling and predicting the violent interaction between breaking waves and marine structures. The focus of the Symposium will be on quantifying the uncertainties on the effects of the transient bubbly flows of breaking waves and on the role of coupling between breaking waves and air flows near the free surface. Further insight will be offered into emerging technologies for breaking wave modelling and evaluating impacts of breaking waves on marine structures.



1. Violent interaction between breaking waves and marine structures

2. Transient bubbly flows of breaking waves

3. Coupling between breaking waves and air flows near the free surface

4. Emerging technologies for slamming and breaking wave modelling

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